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Sheeting & Gasket Materials

Sheeting and Gasket Materials are both commonly used components in various industrial applications.

Sheeting refers to thin, flat materials such as rubber, plastic, or metal that are often used for applications such as roofing, flooring, or insulation. Sheets can be produced in a variety of sizes and thicknesses and can be cut to fit specific shapes or sizes. They can also be reinforced with other materials to increase their strength and durability.

Gasket materials, on the other hand, are used to create seals between two surfaces to prevent leaks. Gaskets are commonly made from materials such as rubber, cork, or metal and are designed to be compressible, allowing them to fill the gaps between two surfaces and create a tight seal. Gaskets are commonly used in engines, pumps, and other machinery where leaks could cause damage or pose safety hazards.

In summary, while Sheeting and Gasket Materials serve different purposes, both are important components in various industrial applications. Sheeting is often used for roofing, flooring, or insulation, while Gasket Materials are used to create seals between two surfaces to prevent leaks

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