Rubber and silicone are two common materials used in various industries. Here is a comparison between the two:

  • Chemical resistance: Silicone has good resistance to chemicals, including acids, alkalis, and solvents. Rubber, on the other hand, has varying levels of chemical resistance depending on the specific type of rubber used.
  • Temperature range: Silicone can withstand a wider temperature range than rubber, with a minimum temperature of -100°C and a maximum temperature of +200°C. Rubber typically has a maximum temperature range of around +150°C.
  • Compression set: Silicone has a low compression set, meaning it can withstand deformation and return to its original shape, making it a good choice for sealing applications. Rubber has varying compression set properties depending on the specific type of rubber used.
  • Tensile strength: Rubber generally has higher tensile strength than silicone, making it more suitable for applications that require high mechanical strength.
  • Elasticity: Rubber has higher elasticity than silicone, allowing it to stretch and return to its original shape better than silicone.

In summary, silicone has good chemical resistance and can withstand a wider temperature range, while rubber has higher tensile strength and elasticity. The choice between the two will ultimately depend on the specific requirements of the application